Thursday, November 14th

MSPL bad examples with Bosco Ferreira

Hi everybody,

Triskell coffee’s are full of fun times and wonderful moments, and the next coffee is no exception. Our beloved Bosco will honor us by presenting his work on Model-based Software Product Lines [1] that earned him the best paper award at SPLC this summer [2]. His work focuses on generating MSPLs that create invalid product models despite a valid configuration in the variability model. The idea is that bad examples can serve as a guide when customizing derivation engines, when implementing checking rules that prevent early incorrect CVL models, or simply when specifying an MSPL..

So, who says bad things can’t lead to anything good?

I would like to remind everybody that the coffee will be held in the *Aurigny* room and not our regular room.

Até a próxima,
Walter Rudametkin
